introducing library editions...

...brought to you by scott hawthorn and robert chaplin over a beverage or two or three... at the fine establishment called salt. if you've never had the adventure of meeting robert, well, let walrus be the first to introduce you next month (more details to come). it is with great pleasure that we now have in our possession, the first three books of the library editions' 'books for adults of all ages'. and we mean just that. they are fantastically not your usual 'young adult' book and we're excited to have them here.
*fun neighbourhood connection - the first book, titled 'delicious chicken soup' is written by chef andrey durbach, (ghost written by robert chaplin) - the executive chef to pied-a-terre, which happens to be right across the street from walrus. *

1 comment:

  1. came here through paul's message on LinkedIn. great blog you have here! you should come and join us at the vancouver bloggers meetup one day.

    oh yes, i have met robert. delicious books.
