mason bee houses are back!

by the sweet 'world reclaimed', also known as aloe designs' caitlin and owen black. "This little Mason Bee House began its journey as Ipe (brazilian hard wood) deck end cuts. Each leftover piece had its struggles; either being warped or split or simply just not pretty enough for the job… but after some trimming, shaping, finishing and fastening with Grandpa’s nails they worked themselves into homes for our disappearing population of mason bees.

"Inside the house is a honeycomb of nesting tubes waiting to be inhabited by some tired mason bees as they take a break from a hard days pollinating. All you have to do to lend a hand is, hook this humble abode up on a sunny wall, preferably an eastern or southern exposure, to energize their wings and as long as there are some gardens in the hood, the bees will populate.  The house provides protection from any nasty weather that might blow their tiny bodies around and helps them get a good night’s sleep, too. Think sun, they do! To ensure some bees take up residence you can populate the house with cocoons. For anything mason bee related go to to point you in the right direction.
The mason bee house itself is created from FSC Ipe that seemingly lasts forever. It is as hard as a rock but to keep the rich hues this house has been sealed with Penofin Verde so our petite friends stay healthy. Left untreated or without re-applying an oil, it will silver beautifully.

Take me home, inhabit me, and make some blossoms very happy this spring."


1 comment:

  1. This looks really nice... I like the photo with cocoons.
